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Councillor Struan Mackie addresses party conference in Manchester

Writer's picture: News DeskNews Desk

Thurso and Northwest Caithness Councillor Struan Mackie addressed the main hall during the Conservative Party Conference in Manchster's Central Conference Hall.

Cllr Struan Mackie addresses the Conservative Party Conference

Urging the SNP to focus on the day job and work with the UK government to deliver a strong economy that affects the whole of the country, the Conservative's most northerly directly elected politician talked up the risks of higher taxes and a struggling domestic economy. Speaking after the address Councillor Mackie said "I am honoured to address the Conference here in Manchester. Up in Caithness we are focussing on delivering for our constituents in the Thurso and Northwest ward and today gives me the opportunity to tell members from across the United Kingdom what we are doing but also what we are up against". "The SNP are fixated on separating Scotland from the rest of the UK comes and this manifests in many forms. We have seen them drop the ball on the economy, on education and constantly underfunding local government but the latest attack on the wallets of working Scots is now clear to see. Thousands will now pay more than their counterparts in England, Wales or Northern Ireland and that is simply wrong". Broadcast live on the BBC News and the BBC Parliament channel you can view Cllr Mackie's contribution to the 'Strong Economy' session at Conservative Party Conference on the BBC iPlayer.


Promoted by Mr S Mackie c/o Dundonald House. KW14 7YJ

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