Cllr Mackie attended the final public event for the Caithness redesign at Thurso High School where locals quizzed NHS practitioner on their plans for Caithness General, Bayview and Dunbar.

The last four months have been dominated by the redesign process and the Caithness Councillors have played a key role throughout. The original consultation process was shelved due to political pressure across locally elected members and NHS Highland was tasked in bringing forward a new set of options that could draw support form across the community. Speaking at the event, Cllr Mackie said "I have been asked by constituents about my preferred option and I will respond to the consultation in full. It would not be fair as an elected member to publicly support a favoured position and it is up to the public to voice their preferred position." "The Scottish Conservatives have been at the forefront of the fight for healthcare in Highland, supporting local people in demanding truly local service provision across the Far North. Cllr Andrew Sinclair, Edward Mountain MSP and myself have been engaged in the NHS redesign process and have continued supporting constituents with their concerns about the future of their healthcare." "I encourage all Caithnessians to fill in your responses before the deadline and make it clear to our Health board about your views and any concerns you may have."