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Scottish Government 'only barrier' to new nuclear sites in Scotland

Caithness could host a new nuclear development – if the Scottish Government lifts its objection to the industry, according to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Amid an outcry from local councillors seeking to sustain the skills, jobs and investment in the area built up over decades at the Dounreay and Vulcan sites, the department of BEIS confirmed later that it does want “these nuclear reactors to be built across the UK,” saying that the SNP “is the only barrier”. Councillor Struan Mackie, who chairs the Dounreay Stakeholders Group, strongly supports a bid for a new reactor for Caithness.

He said: “Whilst Holyrood energy and planning policy is failing the far north, the unprecedented wave of investment in nuclear simply cannot be restricted to England and Wales.

“The statement from the UK government is unequivocal – the only obstacle to new development is Scottish Government policy.

“In a region where so many unpopular developments are forced upon communities, whilst no consideration is given to widely supported nuclear generation, we need to see a change in approach from the Scottish Government.

“Nuclear communities like Caithness and north Sutherland need to be engaged with and not dictated to by the SNP/Green government.

“Our skilled workforce, experienced supply chain and local communities must have a say in the type of energy we create on our doorstep.” Full article below:


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